mobile app development

building course assist

Building a mobile app (Course Assist) Part 24: Deploying the Course Assist apps to production

After several months of working, I’m glad to announce that Course Assist is finally complete🥳. As stated in the launch plan I wrote in a previous blog, Course Assist will launch in a phased manner starting with the Course Assist Expert app which will launch first to facilitate the enrollment of experts before the Course …

Building a mobile app (Course Assist) Part 24: Deploying the Course Assist apps to production Read More »

building course assist

Building a mobile app (Course Assist) Part 23: Testing the app UI on different screen sizes

A couple of weeks ago I tested the Course Assist apps (Course Assist User and Course Assist Expert) on an iOS device (iPhone X) that had a screen way smaller than the Android device I have regularly been using to test the apps on. While doing this test I found that some of the UIs …

Building a mobile app (Course Assist) Part 23: Testing the app UI on different screen sizes Read More »

building course assist

Building a mobile app (Course Assist) Part 22: Setting up push notifications

Push notifications are a feature I had already set up a while ago but after building the apps and testing the APKs they weren’t working. I did some research and found out that for push notifications to work in production further configuration is required. In this article, I walk you through how I set up …

Building a mobile app (Course Assist) Part 22: Setting up push notifications Read More »

building course assist

Building a mobile app (Course Assist) Part 21: Building the Course Assist APKs for testing

Now that Course Assist is completed I’ve been running a series of tests to make sure everything is working the way it is supposed to. Part of this testing stage is running the APKs (an Android version of the app) on an Android device before publishing them on the Google play store. To get these …

Building a mobile app (Course Assist) Part 21: Building the Course Assist APKs for testing Read More »

building course assist

Building a mobile app (Course Assist) Part 20: Adding some last minute bug fixes and features

With Course Assist now just a heartbeat from launch I’ve been conducting system tests to make sure everything is working the way it’s supposed to. But with system tests come different issues some new and some that I might’ve overlooked when developing the app. Nevertheless, I quickly sprang into action to get these sorted before …

Building a mobile app (Course Assist) Part 20: Adding some last minute bug fixes and features Read More »

building course assist

Building a mobile app (Course Assist) Part 19: Improving the payment process

In the previous blog, I walked you through how I searched for and found a new payment gateway called SparcoPay and how I integrated it into the Course Assist User app. In this article, I’ll walk you through why and how I worked on improving the payments process in the app to make it flow better and …

Building a mobile app (Course Assist) Part 19: Improving the payment process Read More »

building course assist

Building a mobile app (Course Assist) Part 18: Integrating a new payment gateway

Just when I was getting ready to finally launch Course Assist I received an email from my previous payment gateway provider Flutterwave announcing that they are temporarily stopping operations in my country🥲. This was a huge setback for Course Assist because I’ve come so close to completing it. Nevertheless, we keep pushing😤, without wasting much time I …

Building a mobile app (Course Assist) Part 18: Integrating a new payment gateway Read More »

building course assist

Building a mobile app (Course Assist) Part 17: Customizing the Couse Assist admin interface

While developing Course Assist I’ve tried my best to automate as many of the processes involved in the project as possible but certain processes can’t be automated such as the expert registration process and the expert earning payout process. For me to efficiently work on these processes in production I had to organize their respective …

Building a mobile app (Course Assist) Part 17: Customizing the Couse Assist admin interface Read More »

building course assist

Building a mobile app (Course Assist) Part 16: Testing the Course Assist apps on iOS

The Course Assist apps (Course Assist Expert and Course Assist User) are cross-platform mobile apps built in React Native meaning they’ll be available on both Android and iOS. The whole time I’ve been developing the Course Assist apps I’ve been testing them on an Android device. I recently decided to test them out on iOS to find …

Building a mobile app (Course Assist) Part 16: Testing the Course Assist apps on iOS Read More »